LCISD Launches Little Free Libraries!

Attention Bulldog Family and Community,

Our Lyford CISD Curriculum & Instruction Department is thrilled to announce the launch of our Little Free Libraries initiative in collaboration with our Lyford High School AG practicum, Engineering Design Practicum, Law Practicum & the LMS Art Club Students. This initiative was aimed at promoting reading and fostering a sense of community in our neighborhood. Little Free Libraries are small, weatherproof boxes filled with books that are available for anyone to borrow or exchange. These charming little structures created by students for students will be placed throughout our community, encouraging literacy, sharing, and a love for reading.

How it works:

1. Take a Book: Visit any of the Little Free Libraries in our neighborhood and choose a book that catches your interest. There is no need to check it out or provide any personal information. These books are free to borrow, enjoy, and share with others.

2. Share a Book: Have a book that you've already read and loved? Consider leaving it in one of the Little Free Libraries for someone else to enjoy. 

3. Explore and Discover: Little Free Libraries are filled with a diverse range of books for all ages and interests. 

4. Care for the Libraries: Our Little Free Libraries are a community effort, and we kindly request your help in maintaining their upkeep. If you notice a library that needs attention, please let us know, or take a moment to tidy it up. Together, we can ensure that these reading havens remain a source of joy for everyone.

Let’s come together to create a vibrant literary landscape within our community. Join us in celebrating the joy of reading through our Little Free Libraries!
